Another very long day from Tomar to Alvaiázere. 21.23 mile hiking 8:04 am to 7:50 pm; total 22.5 miles for the day and 2,242 elevation gain. Whew!
2022 Portugal, Camino Portuguese
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Wanda Penner: I know my feet would scream walking on the cobblestone. How far back does that road date? How far did people walk in a day back in the 16th century? The original roads probably kept horses in mind. Lots of arches. 2022/09/23
Reply: I’m not crazy about the cobblestone nor tile pathways and consider them an invitation to fall. However, the worst so far have been the limestone paths as they are very uneven and usually steep. We haven’t seen any signs or information about Roman roads as we did on Camino Frances, but we always wander about the straight paths laid with stones and think of who might have laid them. There are Roman ruins nearby. 2022/09/23
Jim Constantin: Wow! Had to be a tough day with the mileage and elevation gain. Proud of you Cuz and Jan 2022/09/23
Wendy Hendry: Wow, that was some hike! Very proud of you both! 2022/09/23
Reply: Like many hikes, there were some pleasant times and some real slogs. Tough with no services! I hope places are able to come back after the COVID scourge. 2022/09/23