2023 Tuesday Oct. 24

Radicofani to Acquapendente

Click to view the video of the day: https://www.relive.cc/view/v26M7B9A4Ev

We knew this would be a difficult day. The guidebook predicts mileage of 14-19+ miles depending on your choice of the highway route or “safe route” avoiding highway walking. The agriturismo breakfast didn’t start until 8, later than usual, and we then needed a transfer to Radicofani where we finished yesterday. The late start coupled with darkness at 6:30 made a decision point at Ponte A Rigo, about 7 miles into our day, necessary for us to review our plan.


Leaving the city gate at Radicofani at 9:10 am.

Rain was predicted to start about 1 pm, but it arrived early at 10:45. We arrived at Ponte A Rigo at 12:15 ready for a break, only to discover no services in the town except this picnic table, thankfully sheltered at least somewhat from the rain.

Decision point: about 12+ miles in hard rain following the safe route and arriving by dark (if all goes well), or choosing about 3.5 miles following the roadway, hopefully with pathways, and calling a taxi to avoid the last 3.5 miles the book calls “punctuated by terror of large trucks and fast cars along the road within inches of you.”


We opted for the first 3.5 mile stretch paralleling the highway, heading for the guidebook’s recommended lunch spot. Note the cars on the highway to Richard’s left.

As we got closer to the town, the road got trickier. In pouring rain, we were avoiding the road at all costs. First we headed through a cow pasture but realized we were off course; back to re-calculate. Next we had to ford a stream with slick stones—not much to do but step in the water. We scampered up the bank and came directly to an electric fence. The first few feet traversing between the fence and brambles were not too difficult, but then the trail grew narrower. Not to be denied, we began tearing back the brambles and finally made it beyond the fence. Now there was nothing to do but head into a homeowner’s yard hoping no angry canines would greet us.


Success! We’re now in the town and find the plaque recognizing that Galileo quarantined (plague) in this town in 1633 when he was on his way to the Inquisition in Rome.


Finally—our restaurant, and it was still open for lunch! Like drowned rats, we retreated to eat.


Alexandro, one of the five family members running the restaurant since 1986, was very kind to call us a taxi and allow us to wait inside even after their closing time. Excellent meal as well!


We arrived by taxi at our Acquapendente hotel and we’re ready to stay put. The restaurant and bar were on the floor below our room (excellent to have an easy dinner, but not so great as patrons stayed into the night). However, our room was a pleasant surprise.



Julia Holman: Oh Man!! What a adventure you guys had that day!!!! 2023/10/26 at 6:53 pm

Reply: Life is an adventure! It was crazy but we plowed through it. It’s not quite like the first Camino where we were determined to walk every step—we’re older and a bit wiser and now make (better?) judgements. 2023/10/26 at 8:40 pm